
Dr. Jason Halberstadt has written articles for local media outlets. To view the articles from these publications, click on the desired publication. Come back often as new articles will be added as they become available.

One Magazine:

Whitening Safety

Last week’s article dealt with the plethora of tooth whitening products available on the market. I felt that it was a suitable topic because there is much confusion, which is understandable with the variety of products and systems available. Some do work better than others, but all work to some extent if instructions are followed […]

Vaccine for the Ages

Have you had your flu shot yet? You know that H1N1 is lurking around the corner ready to attack. This vaccine is back by the strongest most powerful marketing campaign that I have ever seen. It’s a totally incompetent campaign, rife with miscommunication and lack of information, but not for lack of trying. There are […]

Toothbrush Mania

Shopping today is truly a daunting task. Whether it is the local home improvement store, grocery store, or pharmacy – the general trend is that bigger is better. It seems that the retailers do not know what we want so instead they put every product known to man on the shelves and expect us to […]

Tidy Whities

We are currently in the midst of the cosmetic revolution. More people than ever are interested in cosmetic procedures whether they be medical or dental intervention. This has spawned a huge burst in makeover television shows and plastic surgery shows. It is impossible to flip through the channels at any time of day and not […]

The Tooth Fairy

Today I would like to discuss a concept very important to children but clearly misunderstood by many adults. I speak of the Tooth Fairy. Before you scoff and lump her in with the likes of the mythical Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, I would like to explore this phenomenon in closer detail and see if […]

The Black Hole

My daughter has been at sleepover camp for the last 4 weeks. Now, in general, I am a relatively tough guy with very little that affects me. I have learned over the years to let the bad stuff roll off me and to enjoy the good parts of life. However, this whole sleepover camp has […]

Scary Treats

Halloween is fast approaching and all the kids are excited and waiting for their annual sugar rush. This is utter euphoria for a child. Dress up like your favourite comic book character or superhero and be rewarded with chocolate and candy. The theory exists that the scarier your costume, the more you shall be rewarded. […]

To spit or not to spit

Last week I rode the subway downtown on my way to the Toronto Convention Centre for the annual Ontario Dental Association Convention. While I was contemplating being a human sandwich, I was also reflecting on last week’s article about bad breath mostly due to the large gentleman beside me who clearly believes only in monthly […]

Tooth Protection

I am a tremendous hockey fan. Now, I realize that growing up in Canada this is not a unique and unusual hobby but I feel that it is still necessary to mention. As any hockey fan will note, it is fairly common when watching hockey games, to observe players score the big goal and follow […]


There are few sure things in life. There are the usual death and taxes of course. You cannot cheat death, and you can try and cheat the taxman but they will probably catch you in the end. Other sure things but lesser known: as soon as you switch lines in the grocery store, your new […]

Guilt Free Food

Food is very central in our daily lives. We wish we could live without it but we can’t. We wish we would eat less of it but we don’t. We are inundated in the news with foods that are bad for us or good for us. Reporters will tell us that undercooked foods give us […]

The Daily Grind

I love to people watch. Not in a weird invasion of your privacy way but just simple observation because people fascinate me. Everyone has their personal quirks and idiosyncrasies. If you are rich and classy then they are eccentricities otherwise they are oddities and peculiarities. These habits can be avoided but in many cases they […]

Food for Thought

I love food. Now I realize this is not an earth shattering statement since the vast majority of us love food; however, for me food is an obsession. When I’m not eating, I’m thinking about what I am going to eat. It is a constant struggle to keep the weight down by eating more healthily […]


We have all heard doctors recommend that we drink 6 glasses of water daily. Some doctors even recommend more than that but the average adult has a tough time managing the six. Other than ensuring your bathroom get maximum usage, water serves many functions. Water makes up approximately 60% of our bodies and pretty much […]

Tooth Fitness

Fitness is the evil word of the 21st century. Makeover shows and ‘The Biggest Loser’ pretty much shame us in to exercise and eating right. Watching what you eat can help you lose weight but also protect your teeth. I watch what I eat – I watch it go into my mouth. Believe me when […]

Dragon Breath

You are on a date with someone whom you find very attractive. You begin to imagine yourselves together on a beach in Barbados followed by a grand wedding with 5 children when she asks you a question. You open your mouth to respond and watch as she recoils in revulsion before you can even finish […]

Doctor Internet

The internet is a marvelous invention chock full of information (most of which you never needed to know). There are millions of sites dedicated to every subject know to man and of course dentistry as well. I don’t understand why the average person would burn brain cells reading the incredibly boring dental articles that could […]

Dental Treatment

The recession is here. Everybody is asking themselves how to tighten the belt and save money. Let’s go on less vacations, forget the plasma televisions, and eat out less often. These are all legitimate ways of saving money. For the last few months I have been hearing that the dentist is also a place to […]

Snakes, Spiders and Dentists

Fear is a four letter word which can humble even the mightiest of men. There are many things to be fearful of, some rational and some quite irrational. Common fears such as snakes and spiders make sense in the grand scheme; however, they do not impact much on our lives here in Canada since the […]

Getting help is like pulling teeth

As I sat on the phone with a major telecom company here in Canada and talked to a robot sounding lady telling me to push this button and that button, I started to get frustrated. I wasn’t frustrated over the slowness or the fact that the robot never understood me and asked me to repeat […]

Talking to the Dentist

Matt’s dad picked him up from school one afternoon. Knowing the parts for the school play were supposed to be posted today, he asked his son if he got a part. Matt enthusiastically announced that he’d gotten a part. “I play a man who’s been married for twenty years.” ”That’s great, son. Keep up the […]

Common Dental Myths

The sun is shining in a beautiful clear blue sky as you look out your window and see a large putrid smelly mound of garbage. Welcome to Toronto. Our mayor appears on television encouraging people to run to Toronto and don’t mind the garbage – just walk around it. Don’t just look at the repulsive […]

Children and the future

We are all familiar with famous line from Whitney Houston “children are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way.” This corny line has been used, ever since, in pretty much every television and movie dealing with children. A great director will use it to maximum effect and elicit tears from all […]

The Big C

Dentists are often respected for the work they do especially since most people recognize the years of work and studying and dedication required to become a dentist. Yet at the same time, my colleagues and I are often considered low down in importance in terms of our overall health diagnosis and treatment. I understand that […]

The Mouth and Body Connection

Staying up late at night because you can’t sleep is difficult enough without being bombarded with late night television infomercials. These infomercials pitch everything from new knives and pans to diet pills and special hair curling irons. I even wanted to buy these hair products, and I don’t have hair! Most everything we watch and […]

Bite your Tongue

There is a current trend which I feel I must comment on because primarily I am opinionated but also because it also has a dental concern. I refer to facial piercings. Growing up this consisted of a well placed earring or maybe a small dainty nose gem. Today of course, our children are piercing anything […]

Take my advice

Why is it that people don’t listen to the advice given to them by dentists? Despite all the documented scientific research regarding tooth and gum hygiene, there are still many people who do not follow a simple regimen of brushing and flossing to maintain proper oral health. Is it because they are daredevils, living life […]


Last week I rode the subway downtown on my way to the Toronto Convention Centre for the annual Ontario Dental Association Convention. While I was contemplating being a human sandwich, I was also reflecting on last week’s article about bad breath mostly due to the large gentleman beside me who clearly believes only in monthly […]


I am a tremendous hockey fan. Now, I realize that growing up in Canada this is not a unique and unusual hobby but I feel that it is still necessary to mention. As any hockey fan will note, it is fairly common when watching hockey games, to observe players score the big goal and follow […]


Matt’s dad picked him up from school one afternoon. Knowing the parts for the school play were supposed to be posted today, he asked his son if he got a part. Matt enthusiastically announced that he’d gotten a part. “I play a man who’s been married for twenty years.” ”That’s great, son. Keep up the […]

Customer Service

As I sat on the phone with a major telecom company here in Canada and talked to a robot sounding lady telling me to push this button and that button, I started to get frustrated. I wasn’t frustrated over the slowness or the fact that the robot never understood me and asked me to repeat […]


I love to people watch. Not in a weird invasion of your privacy way but just simple observation because people fascinate me. Everyone has their personal quirks and idiosyncrasies. If you are rich and classy then they are eccentricities otherwise they are oddities and peculiarities. These habits can be avoided but in many cases they […]


I love food. Now I realize this is not an earth shattering statement since the vast majority of us love food; however, for me food is an obsession. When I’m not eating, I’m thinking about what I am going to eat. It is a constant struggle to keep the weight down by eating more healthily […]


Fitness is the evil word of the 21st century. Makeover shows and ‘The Biggest Loser’ pretty much shame us in to exercise and eating right. Watching what you eat can help you lose weight but also protect your teeth. I watch what I eat – I watch it go into my mouth. Believe me when […]


Dentists are often respected for the work they do especially since most people recognize the years of work and studying and dedication required to become a dentist. Yet at the same time, my colleagues and I are often considered low down in importance in terms of our overall health diagnosis and treatment. I understand that […]

Body Health

Staying up late at night because you can’t sleep is difficult enough without being bombarded with late night television infomercials. These infomercials pitch everything from new knives and pans to diet pills and special hair curling irons. I even wanted to buy these hair products, and I don’t have hair! Most everything we watch and […]


Why is it that people don’t listen to the advice given to them by dentists? Despite all the documented scientific research regarding tooth and gum hygiene, there are still many people who do not follow a simple regimen of brushing and flossing to maintain proper oral health. Is it because they are daredevils, living life […]

Dental Fear

Fear is a four letter word which can humble even the mightiest of men. There are many things to be fearful of, some rational and some quite irrational. Common fears such as snakes and spiders make sense in the grand scheme; however, they do not impact much on our lives here in Canada since the […]

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