
Implants were developed to replace missing teeth. By far, implants are the best dentistry has to offer utilizing the latest techniques and technologies. With the advent of implants, we can now replace teeth naturally and solidly in places that previously could only be replaced with dentures.

Dental implants are titanium posts that are inserted directly into the jawbone. Essentially they are anchored into the bone and replace the areas previously occupied by the tooth root. They then act as a foundation for long term permanent replacement teeth. This might include fixed crowns, and bridges or removable replacements such as dentures.

Implants are very well designed so that they integrate well into the jaw and solidly replace the teeth you are missing with an incredibly natural look and feel. Implants are as close to your natural teeth possible. Implants are usually made of titanium because of their inherent biocompatibility. This provides us with a very high degree of success.

Not everyone is a candidate for a dental implant. We are relying on good healthy bone to attach to the implant. This requires a healthy quantity and quality of bone. As always, meticulous oral hygiene is crucial in implant success.

Why invest in implants?

There are many significant advantages in choosing implants over other replacement procedures:

The primary benefit to implants is that they are a fixed, non removable choice that most closely resembles natural teeth. The other teeth do not need to be touched or harmed in any way because implants stand alone and are fixed in the jaw.

Longevity – implants that integrate well into the bone are rock solid and will last a long time. You will have the security of knowing and feeling the amazingly solid foundation that implants provide.

Comfort and Speech – implants become part of your mouth. They are not removable and have no give to them. As a result, there is no need for uncomfortable dentures that move around and irritate the tongue, cheek and gums. Since there is no tooth movement with implants, your speech will be completely unaffected.

Appearance – implants look and feel like natural teeth. They do not sit on gums like dentures. Instead the implants are below the gumline and the crown that sits on the implant comes through the gums, just like a natural tooth, thereby looking exactly like a natural tooth. Implants also retain and preserve facial structure by preventing bone loss.

Oral health – as mentioned previously, implants do not require reducing the other teeth (as does a tooth retained bridge). Since the other teeth are not touched in any way, more of your teeth remain intact thereby improving your oral health.

The Procedure:

There are 2 main phases involved in implant teeth: Surgical phase where the implant is placed and restorative phase where the ‘tooth’ is placed.

Surgical phase: The initial process of placing an implant involves preparing the bone. A small incision is made in the gums to access bone and the implant is then placed securely within the bone. This procedure is done under regular local anaesthetic and is tolerated quite well with very little postoperative discomfort. The gums are sutured and the area is left alone for 3-6 months to allow healing. Essentially we allow the bone to grow around and into the threads of the implant – a process we call osseointegration.

During this healing time, the patient must maintain immaculate oral hygiene in order for the site to heal well and prevent infection. A second minor surgery is sometimes then necessary to uncover the implant through the gums.

Restorative phase: After the implants have osseointegrated, we are now ready to actually place the prosthetic tooth. An impression is taken by attaching a post to the implant through the opening in the gums. The final crown custom fit for your mouth and implant is screwed in place and beauty and function is now restored!

If you are interested in implants or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 905 731 4665 or send an email through the quick contact on our website and make a free consultation appointment with Dr. Halberstadt. You will be happy you did.

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