Teeth Whitening

Your smile is the entry to your personality. Study after study has shown that a person’s smile is the most important evaluator for beauty. It is the first thing you notice when you meet someone. First impressions are important, but the self confidence of a beautiful white smile is something that lasts forever.

Whitening procedures effectively restore the smile of people with stained, dull, or discoloured teeth. Stained or yellow teeth can prevent many people from talking or smiling.

What causes tooth staining?

Over the years, teeth will wear down due to the constant trauma of chewing, grinding and acid attacks from the food we eat. As the enamel wears down, the inner layer of tooth, called dentin, shows through with its yellow tint. Stains will accumulate from foods we eat, and this process also becomes easier with age. Certain products such as tea, coffee and berries are notorious stainers.

Other stains can be caused by a traumatic injury, medication or smoking. Tetracycline is a common antibiotic used for the treatment of acne with a documented consequence of darkening the teeth. The nicotine from smoking leaves a brownish deposit which will leach into the tooth. Unfortunately, because of the internalization of these stains, simple brushing and flossing will not remove these stains.

Cosmetic teeth-whitening options offered at Bayleaf Dental Centre:

1hour in-office’ laser’ whitening:

Zoom 1 hour in-office professional teeth whitening. This method of whitening was used in tv shows such as ‘The Swan’ and ‘Extreme Makeover’. A one hour application of high concentration peroxide gel is boosted by a very strong intense ultra violet light. This method can result in significant colour change in a very short period of time. The entire procedure is closely monitored by the dental staff to minimize sensitivity and maximize efficacy.

Professionally dispensed take-home whitening kits:

Custom made thin bleaching trays are fabricated for use at home with a peroxide gel. Daily application of the gel utilizing the trays will result in quite significant colour change. These trays can be very convenient to allow whitening while watching tv or doing chores around the house.

Let us discuss both methods of tooth whitening available. To book a consultation please call our office at 905 731 4665 or fill out our quick contact form to email us and you will be contacted by us shortly.

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