
Our teeth tend to weaken over time and become more susceptible to problems such as decay, cracks, discolouration, and fractures. Sometimes simple fillings are not sufficient to restore a tooth and maintain strength and longevity. Your dentist may notice that a tooth is particularly susceptible to fracture either due to a crack or very large filling. A crown can be place to strengthen the tooth and restore function and appearance. This is also a commonplace procedure following root canals as the teeth are considerably more fragile as a consequence of treatment.

In addition to placing crowns to restore strength and functionality, crowns are also used for esthetics because they can correct discoloured or oddly shaped teeth as well. With today’s advance in material science, crowns can be made of extremely strong and esthetic ceramics resulting in beautiful crowns that can last for years.

Crowns typically take 2 appointments. In the first visit, the tooth will be reduced and reshaped so that it can accommodate the future crown. An impression is taken of the existing tooth which is then sent to a lab for a custom-designed crown. Temporary crowns are placed in the mouth until the patient returns for the second visit at which point the permanent crown is cemented in place. A well done crown will blend in with your teeth and no one will be the wiser.

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