Common Problems

Chipped teeth:
Chipped teeth can be a nuisance both because of the way the look but they can also sometimes be painful. With time, these chips can become discoloured and even lead to decay. Dr. Halberstadt will repair chipped teeth with beautiful, natural looking results. There are many options to choose from and the pros and cons can be discussed during your free cosmetic consultation.

Crooked teeth:
Crooked teeth are commonly thought to be only an esthetic problem. This is a myth. Having crooked teeth can affect your gums and can also make good oral hygiene very difficult. Consequently, this can lead to gum or tooth problems. Straight teeth also have personal benefits such as improved self confidence and a tendency to smile more.

Discoloured Teeth:
Discoloured or stained teeth can look dirty or unhealthy. Nothing will improve your appearance faster or greater than a beautiful smile. We here at Bayleaf Dental Centre take great pride in restoring your teeth to their youthful shine. Again, many options exist to help whiten your teeth. Simple cases can be handled with whitening, while more extreme cases may need the added benefits and esthetics of veneers.
Tooth whitening can be done at home or in office with an ultraviolet light. Both result in smiles considerably whiter and brighter.
Come in to our Thornhill office for a free consultation.

Missing Teeth:
Missing teeth can will take away from an otherwise great smile. The eye will tend to be drawn to the dark hole and truly make a person very self conscious. Unfortunately, this can affect a person’s disposition and make them less likely to smile and appear grumpy.

Aside from esthetics, a missing tooth will have ramifications for overall dental health. The absence of a tooth from one side of the mouth will cause a person to rely more heavily on the opposite side, often leading to problems there. Also, teeth like contact. A missing tooth will cause the adjacent teeth to tip into the space, and the opposing tooth to over-erupt into the space. This overall shifting will have a domino effect and have a negative impact on overall dental health.

Options to replace missing teeth range from a removable denture to fixed options such as bridges and implants. Consultations with Dr. Halberstadt will uncover the best treatment course and plan of action.

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