Do you accept new patients?
Yes. Our practice is constantly growing. We truly feel that we provide a level of service and personal attention unmatched in the dental field and honestly welcome and treasure new and old patients alike. We appreciate those who spread the good word because a referral of family or friends is the greatest compliment you can give.

Do you accept dental insurance?
We accept all forms of dental insurance. Insurance claims, for the most part, can be submitted to the insurance carriers electronically. This allows for a rapid response and very little delay in receiving reimbursement. We will always attempt to minimize your out of pocket expenses while maximizing your benefits. Our helpful office manager will explain your benefits and ensure you have a full understanding of your dental coverage.

What are your payment options?
We accept all forms of payment including visa, mastercard, and debit. We can arrange payment plans to suit your needs.

Do I need X-rays?
X-rays are essential in diagnosing various issues in your mouth. Of course we do a visual inspection, but this is not sufficient to uncover all possible areas of concern. With x-rays, we can see in between the teeth, as well as the bone structure surrounding the teeth. We are dedicated to your long term dental health and a proper treatment plan can only be prescribed utilizing all tools available at our disposal.

How much will my cleaning cost?
A price cannot be dictated over the phone regarding cleanings. Many criteria factor in to the cost of dental treatment. Time is the overriding issue, but overall teeth and gum health, as well as the last time you had a cleaning, can all impact on this. Please come in for a consultation and our hygiene staff can give a more accurate treatment plan with time and cost factored in.

Why are my teeth sensitive?
Sensitive teeth are usually the result of your gums receding. The gums receding will expose the root of the tooth which is more prone to sensitivity. This is also the source of the phrase “You’re getting long in the tooth”- obviously the tooth is not getting longer, the gums are receding to give the impression of a longer tooth. There are many toothpastes or gels that can be applied to desensitize the tooth. Please mention your sensitive teeth to us on a visit and we can discuss in more detail.

What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a condition whereby the gums are irritated, inflamed and often bleed. This is caused by an infiltration of bacteria under the gums. Regular dental cleanings with our hygienist can help prevent and control gingivitis. Proper oral hygiene instruction will be discussed during your visit.

What is periodontal disease?
Periodontium is the apparatus surrounding the teeth – ie. Gums, ligaments and bone. Bacterial infection of the gums will lead to periodontal disease. Symptoms include gingivitis, bad breath, pain, tooth mobility and infection. Perio disease has two main sources: genetics and poor oral hygiene. It can be controlled with regular cleanings, scalings and root planings.

How can I improve my smile?
Many new technologies and techniques exist in today’s dentistry that can completely transform your smile and rebuild your self confidence. These include: tooth whitening, bonding, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, and implants. Please explore the cosmetic dentistry tab at the top of our website to get more information on all these procedures.

What are implants and what is their advantage?
For detailed information, please visit our implant tab at the top of the website. In summary, implants are anchors placed into the bone to replace teeth in a form as close to a natural tooth as possible. They are seemless, strong and extremely esthetic.
Not everyone is a candidate for implants and consultation with Dr. Halberstadt is essential.

What are ‘implants in a day’?
You will hear many dentists advertising ‘teeth or implants in a day’. This is straight out pandering to the immediate fix crowd that seems to grow more impatient by the day. Implants are placed in the bone and are not solid until the bone grows into the threads of the implant over the course of a few months. Can teeth be placed on implants immediately? Sure. But why would you place immediate stresses on something that needs months to heal. This increases the failure rate tremendously. Our goal is long term stable and healthy solutions for health care and not quick fix assembly line dentistry.

That being said, there are a few occasions where teeth can be placed immediately, such as no opposing tooth, or opposing dentures that will place very little stress on the newly placed implant. Discussion with Dr. Halberstadt is essential.

What do implants cost?
The fees for dental implants vary tremendously depending on implants used, number of implants and exactly what restoration will be placed on top of the implants. Always schedule an implant consultation to discuss the procedure and fees involved.

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